BEVI Resources

Throughout your experience with the BEVI and its AI / VR / reporting systems, we provide you with the resources and support you need to get the job done right and well. In our experience, the more you know, the better, which is why we try as much as possible to make information about the BEVI highly accessible and freely available. Here, we offer resources in the following areas:
- BEVI Manual
- BEVI Publications
- BEVI Video
- BEVI Presentation
- BEVI Validity
- BEVI Scales
- Equilintegration Theory
- BEVI Training and Certification
In addition to consultation support and related products and services, individuals who are BEVI Trained and Certified also have access to the BEVI Administrators portal, which provides further resources (e.g., BEVI training webinars; BEVI-AI / Beviverse content; digital versions of articles / chapters; videos regarding BEVI administration and interpretation; IRB / ethics review templates, etc.). Of course, if you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact us by clicking here.